Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Peeing on the hottie.

In case you thought it eerily silent on the subject of potty training, yes it was intentional. For me it was a case of this is too good to be true and it won't last why jinx it. But I think we're far enough along to declare it. So here goes...

Captain Kid is officially daytime potty trained.

There, it's out. Now any future failures will come back to haunt me and I will declare that I jinxed it, but the time has come to rejoice (instead of my usual swearing and bitching). Though I wish I could take credit for this one, this was entirely the Captain's Everest. Much to our shock, some earlier anal retentive behaviors came out in our favor. He figured out that, no, he doesn't enjoy being dirty and yes, there is a quick and easy solution. Every day it goes a little bit further, with the Captain relieving himself in strange and exotic places. Where last week he would only perform in the comfort of his own home, this week he has transported his skills to friends' houses and school. And then tonight his potty experience took him to Lebanon as he gave up Number 1 sidesaddle in the bathroom of the exotic Lebanese Taverna. Fancy stuff.

The Captain loves going to the bathroom, so much so that instead of peeing on the potty he now declares that he's "peeing on the hottie." A bit crude for sure, but who am I to undercut his enthusiasm?


q said...

That is so awesome! I know when it came to PTing my DS was far easier than my DD is. She is still fighting me tooth and nail. Maybe that wonderful "toy" in the pants has something to do with the wonderment of a male finally figuring out what they can do?

Oh and peeing on the Hottie is so funny. Gotta love kids and their funny sayings.

JoMama said...

i want to know if elliott spitzer paid that hooker so he could "pee on the hottie"

Christine Delargy said...

look at that! you have your very own lil R Kelly!