Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Fever in the morning, fever all through the night.

"...and while you're at the store, see Cookie Puss and more."

You say it's your birthday? It's my birthday too, yeah. And nothing says birthday like a toddler with 102.3 fever. That's right, for my birthday this year the Captain decided to surprise me with a virus. Amazing, I didn't even have to put it on my amazon wish list.

Yesterday morning he woke up a bit warm and I gave him some Tylenol. But by the afternoon he was poking at his ear and running 101 (We play your favorite oldies, CBS-FM). So we ran him to the doctor, where he had his usual fit, and turns out no infection, just a virus, which is worse than an infection, as far as I'm concerned because there ain't nothing we can do and we're supposed to be leaving for France, um, tomorrow.

So now my birthday dinner plans are canceled and I've left a message with the Satalians that we may be delaying travel a day (at this point I'm hoping to get the trip in at all). Plus I just had the worst night's sleep. Really, he only got up once and I gave him more Tylenol. But it's that weird sensation buzzing in your head that you better not fall too deeply into sleep because he'll have you hopping any minute now. And so another year goes by.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Now that you have caught up to me, how does it feel to be old? What's that you say, people don't catch up? Ho, ho, every year I'm in school is a year I don't age! That means you are technically older than me now.

I'm sorry the Cpt is ill. Hopefully the virus will go away soon. There is no place like France to make somebody feel better, so don't cancel. I bet he'll perk up as soon as he sees Valencia fading into the distance.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday =)
Hope the Captain recovers quicky. Viruses are the worst.
I'm with j - don't cancel France! If he's sick, he's sick - in Spain or in France. Hopefully you can reschedule your dinner plans. I never go out ON my birthday. This year we went out a week and a half later.

Amy B. said...

Editors note -

Major problem is at this point I'M getting sick.

As for canceling, I definitely wouldn't do it willingly, but if I speak to my friends and they don't care for having a sick baby around then I'm not going to have much of an option. Fortunately, I think he's starting to come round. As for the MM....:-/

Anonymous said...

Sorry I'm late, but Happy Birthday! I meant to write on the 5th, because I knew I'd be out of the office yesterday, but I was too busy getting ready to be out of the office.

I vote for leaving immediately, the better to spread your virus to as many arrogant, unwashed French people as possible.

Rachael said...

Happy Birthday! What is it- your 25th??

I can't think of a better way to spend a b-day; a road trip with a sick toddler and 2 hours sleep- exciting!

That said, if the munchkin is feeling better you really should muscle through the virus yourself, if for no other reason than to share that friendly epidemic with our friends the French. As long as its not TB you should make it across the border!