Monday, August 27, 2007

A little "act of god."

Whatever insurance genius coined the term "an act of god" got it right. For only god could have known how much I hated the Deviant Dad's Miata. Owning up to this in full terms, I must confess the following thoughts have flickered through my brain over the years:

God, I hate this Miata.

God, I feel like an idiot riding around in this thing.

God, he looks like a 16 year old boy or an early mid-life crisis in that car.

God, I wish he would get rid of this stupid matchbox car!.

And so, it seems that She may have been listening. Saturday night a wild storm broke out and a large branch took out the side mirror, the windshield and various other bits of said Miata. The thing needed so much work to begin with that totalling is not out of the question. Now, of course, I don't have a job and it means buying a 2nd car we weren't prepared to buy. But no one was injured (thank god!) and it means we wouldn't have to put any work into fixing the car up to sell.

So...can I get an Amen?

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