Tuesday, August 28, 2007

“Temptation, frustration, so bad it makes him cry."

Ah, just a little school song to set the tone.

Yes, the Captain is off to school. Only 2 days in and 1 morning crying-jag down. "I think I'm gonna like it here."

The first day sorted out so so. A new pair of shoes and a brand spankin' new backpack to start things right. It took a few shots with the new pair til it was a meltdown-free affair, but the Captain is taking change in stride and looks rather outdoorsy in his new stride rite extra-wide shoes. Naturally the Deviant Dad didn't get new shoes to honor the Captain's first day of school, so we're still using his ailing flip flops to open beer.

My biggest concern about the Captain's first day is that naturally he decided to mark the occasion by coming down with a head cold. Of course, the parent handbook details the shape, color and precise location of discharge that would preclude a child from attending school, which sends me into a panic because as the "volunteer" parent I have to get my arse over to the school for the first 2 days. After a few alarmed phone calls to a "Friendly Mom," I decide to dope the Captain up on some contraband narcotics and send him off on his first day.

And he did great. Until his 2nd day. It seems that after the first time of abandonment they "get it" and go mental on subsequent occasions. And so he kicked and screamed and panicked this morning whilst I pranced into the front office to take on the mighty tasks of garbage disposal and recycling. Ah well. When your only real job in the last year involved shit and laundry you don't feel all that picky when someone gives you an important task like garbage removal.

And so I thought all was lost and that my brain would wither away during my volunteer time until I ran into Friendly Mom in the toddler drive-through pick up line. We chat for a moment and it turns out that in addition to having our kids in the same class, we're both temporarily SAHM's/Lawyers looking to re-enter the workforce. We agree we have much in common and exchange hand signals in the international code of "call me." I drive off feeling pretty good and the Captain's waving bye-bye rather contently at his teacher.

And then it hits me.

Have I joined the Momtourage?


Haggis said...

..yeah....when ARE those flip flops going to go????

looks like the wee man will be coping in no time. good luck with the trash duty!

Anonymous said...

Bwaaaha ha ha! You momtourager. I bet she is blonde, too.

There are a lot of nice mothers at that school- even when they are from different planets and clearly have nothing in common with regular folks, they are friendly. Next thing you know, you'll be arranging playdates.

Amy B. said...

Ha. Yup, she's blonde. Come to think of it, Captain Kid is the only full-fledged brunette in his class. The other tater tots are just a variety of shades of blonde. Hmmm...makes one feel a tad Semetic.
